Pretty Baby (1978) Synopsis The inspiration for Malle’s first American film was E. J. Bellocq’s remarkable photographic record of New Orleans’ red-light district, Storyville, in the early years of the twentieth century. A fourteen-year-old (Shields) is cheer-fully sold into the trade by her mother (Sarandon) and becomes involved with Bellocq himself (Carradine), who finds her a compelling subject of erotic and aesthetic interest. Awards 1978: Nominated for Oscar: Best Original Song of la OST 1978: Cannes Film Festival: Technical Grand Prize 1978: Los Angeles Film Critics Association: Nominated for Best Cinematography
ASA 🎥📽🎬 Pretty Baby (1978) a film directed by Louis Malle with Brooke Shields, Susan Sarandon, Keith Carradine, Frances Faye, Antonio Fargas